An exploration in consumer behaviors, mechanisms and motivations
The Challenge: Develop the right research methodology, from ethnographic interviews to focus groups, to better understand consumers motives.

Ethnoexplo: An immersion in consumer reality
The Challenge: Diving deeply into the lives of target consumers to understand more than simply practices of a category of people, taking inspiration from their anecdotes, and understanding the deeper mechanisms of how they function.
We get their vote of confidence: Heineken, L’Oréal, Mondelez, Lesieur
OnlineExplo: Consumers’ experiences instantly captured
The Challenge: Using digital means (blogs or applications) to accompany the consumer in their everyday life, from when they get up to when they go to bed, and encouraging immediate feedback.
We get their vote of confidence: Heineken, BPCE, Blini
GroupExplo: Collective investigation of specific issues
The Challenge: Gathering consumers in order to compare points of view and facilitate brainstorming, which allows for better understanding of certain issues.
We get their vote of confidence: LNUF, Heineken, BPCE, L'Oréal, MW Brands
deskExplo: Analysing documentary resources
The Challenge: Investigating a corpus of existing documentary resources (journals, internet, open data, GNPD database…) to enlighten us on an issue.
We get their vote of confidence: Heineken, Nestlé CPW
Each Monday we spot and analyse consumer “low signals”
The Challenge: Registering the slightest shifts in consumption, distribution, and more generally lifestyles and attitudes in order to predict upcoming trends, with the possibility of customising the approach to the needs of the customers.

Our consumption trendwatching tool
The Challenge: Deciphering the attitudes and behaviors of consumers through low-signal analysis, in order to draw inspiration for future strategies (positioning, innovation, communication).

Semiotic mapping of a specific theme
The Challenge: Identifying the main conceptual clusters within a territory and the underlying brand opportunities that they contain, through a cross-referenced analysis of consumption, distribution, cinema, arts, design, etc... These clusters are ultimately translated into mood boards.

Experts ready to explore your issues
The Challenge : To consult expert opinions to clarify highly-specialized issues.

Consumer trends at arm’s reach
The Challenge: Let consumers play the role of a reporter, via a smartphone application (collecting words and pictures). The collected data is systematically combined with our trend findings, for an efficient insight detection system.